Children's Injuries

When children are injured as a result of someone else’s negligent acts (including medical malpractice), or by the use of defective products (whether cribs or medications, toys or escalators, etc.), the children’s parents or guardians may bring suit on the minors’ behalf. In such lawsuits, the plaintiffs (i.e. those bringing the suit) seek to recover compensation for medical bills and other costs related to the injury, as well as for the child’s pain and suffering.

In some situations, the parents may bring suit for their own emotional distress resulting from their child’s injury. In addition, if the conduct of the defendant was particularly blameworthy, the plaintiffs may also ask for punitive damages—an additional amount of money that the defendant would have to pay, which is intended both to punish and to act as a deterrent.

Children are resilient, and can bounce back from many injuries; however, sometimes the extent of the injuries can change a child’s life forever. The injured child may require expensive diagnostics, expensive treatments and medications, lengthy hospitalizations, and long-term therapy and other types of care. Our laws aim to place those costs on the person or entity responsible for causing the harm, rather than expecting the child’s family to struggle on its own.

Sometimes, the full extent of a child’s injuries and the related costs are not immediately clear. If your child has been injured and you have been contacted by an insurance company offering you a settlement, you should discuss your case with an experienced New York personal injury attorney before accepting the insurance company’s offer.

Having an experienced, dedicated personal injury attorney on your side can help you reach a better outcome in negotiations or, if necessary, in court. The attorneys at Ronai & Ronai, LLP offer more than a decade of experience representing injured New Yorkers. While you are focusing on helping your child recover, we will focus on maximizing the compensation that will fund that recovery.

For a free consultation about your case, please call us today at 1-800-664-7111, or fill out and submit our online “Contact Us” form.